Book «Formation Of Spiritual Leaders’ Efficient Team»


Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Swami
Bhakti Bhagavatamrita Kesava Swami
Govardhan Gopal das

Spiritual leaders’ team formation is one of the most important tasks in the ISKCON. What does it refer to? One of the main foundation on which any progressing society is based on — formation and education of high-performance personnel, pre-eminent leaders.The future of society always depends on qualified individuals. However, in Kali-yuga, when yuga-dharmais sankirtana-yajna,the basic personal qualification of a leader is ability to perform the yajna of management congregationally with other leaders.The ISKCON Founderacarya A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada made a special emphasis on this qualification and established linkage between devotees’ cooperation within ISKCON and personal relationships with him. In other words, an ISKCON leader gains the blessings to perform their service from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and ISKCON Founder-acarya A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada only on the condition of possessing qualification for congregational service.

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